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Our students are getting caught in the $1.7 trillion dollar student loan trap!

Waiting for the government to bail us out, hasn’t and will not work!

We must do it ourselves.

The Big Payback is the DFS fundraiser to pay down or pay off student loans up to $300,000. The number of winners will be determined by the number of donations received. The minimum donation is $10 per entry; 80% of all donations will be used to pay down or pay off the student loans.


There are products that DFS offers such as The FAFSA Hack eBook that shows parents how the financial aid formula works and gives them the information they need to know before they fill out the FAFSA. The 12 Steps to College Success is a parental empowerment program that shows parents how to empower their children, as early as the fourth grade, to avoid the student loan trap.

There will be various T-shirts offered as well.

 FAFSA Hack e-Booklet free download w/signup.
Name and email address for members list notifications.


1 Digital Raffle Ticket


4 Digital Raffle Tickets + DFS T-Shirt


5 Digital Raffle Tickets +

DFS 12 Steps to College Success Program

Donate Now

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Select an item ($)

Click here to download

The Fine Print

The money raised will determine how many students will be awarded money. No money will be given to the student. The money will be given directly to the loan servicer. The money will be held in The DFS “Big Pay Back”. No cash can be withdrawn. Checks will be issued to the loan servicer directly. The only criterion for getting the money is you must make a donation for the goods or services offered on the Developing Future Scholars Inc. web page. The number of entries depends on the suggested donation for the items purchased on the site. Every $10 donation equals 1 entry, Winners will be electronically selected.
The event will be held on September 18, 2024. The location will be announced on DFS site when secured.
Sponsor packages and vendor information will be coming soon.


Get your free copy of “The FAFSA HACK” eBook: What You Need To Know Before You Fill Out The FAFSA.

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